Sunday, January 28, 2007

Russian Winter Festival

This was from a week or so ago when the Russian community of London celebrated the Russian Winter Festival in (motherfucking) trafalgar square. Heej and I went because cultural awareness is important. Also, it was free.

You can tell that it's trafalgar square by the giant pillar which does not fit in the frame of any photgraph ever taken.

Basically, the festival involved several rock/pop groups singing in very enthusiastic russian on the stage in the center, as a crowd of tall blondes and people wearing fur hats (see: man in lower left 1/3) drunkenly cheered them on. T

here was borscht, there was beer, there were people advertising cheap airfares to St. Petersburg.

It was good fun.

Next: Camden and Giraffes.


Alice said...

This is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

That picture of you is almost as good as the one katie took of you in disneyworld.


Katie said...

I disagree with Lisa. I think this picture is better. If only because the "It's a Small World" ride is so goddamn creepy.

It may be a little biased, but at least I spelled your name right.

Anonymous said...

I JUST realized that the person inside of the wooden nesting doll costume was you! Mind you, I have been stalking your blog, so i have no idea how many times I have actually seen it.