Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday, April 23rd

Ryan is now at the airport, waiting for a plane.

It didn't rain the whole time he was here. Remarkable.

Tomorrow I have to converse about a paper I haven't written yet. Having already fainted in front of this prof, I feel that, if I'm really getting stuck, I can probably just drop to the floor and call it a day.

I am coming back to the US on May 27th. Get ready.

More on Spain and Ireland later, but the thing about Ireland is that it's pretty great, and the people are so nice, and the history is very sad. And the whole thing kind of makes you hate England, if you didn't already.

Also, KT and Cait, was Mary the Irish Psychic operating out of a tiny red storefront on O'Connell Street, Dublin?

Now is a time for napping.


Alice said...

You will be back just in time for my birthday. Thank goodness.

Katie said...

She was sort of in a's hard to explain. I'm glad you have an appreciation for the plight of my people.