Tuesday, May 22, 2007


In an email from my mom:

Guess who is about to make an appearance? Your aunty Bird is coming to USA for her Yale reunion! She is going to have a counselling session with Dad and Uncle Chris at her request. She is bringing her "partner" 8Ball Aitken. We don't know what happened to Douglas who was her husband. Well that's it for now. See what happens when you leave? Love, Mom

I am so excited I cannot even speak. A counselling session? Including her "partner" "8Ball"?? Bound to be Amazing.

[If this doesn't make sense to you, I can't even get started right now. Someday.]

Edited, to Add:

It seems that her reunion weekend is the weekend I'm going back up to Ithaca. I don't know if I should feel relieved or disappointed.

However, you can find them both on myspace. Of COURSE.


Alice said...

This is so fantastic! Aunt Bird! The Yale reunion! 8ball! Hooray for the Brenners!

Katie said...