Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I haven't forgetten about you

But I went to Cologne, and then Lisa came to London, and stuff happened, and then I went to Florence, and things have been busy. There's whole essays I want to write, and pictures to post, but I want to do it right. In the meanwhile:

Jack the Ripper Tours Attended: None.

Indian Meals Consumed: 3 Discounts obtained? 1

Nando's Visits Arranged: 3 Discounts obtained? 3

Giraffes Observed: 2

Glassware Permanently Borrowed: 12 Pitchers: 1

Sleepless nights: Stansted airport, Cologne falafel, computer lab camp outs, computer lab dance-ins, drinking in the streets, stealing from Brick Lane, becoming my flatmate's connection, the parking structure bathroom across from Galilei International airport

Hours on bus/train/plane (Approx): 20

Surliest Passport Control Gaurds: Italy.

Best Bread: Germany.

Passport Control Gaurds Requiring the Most Tearful Apologies to Obtain Entry: Stansted.

Most Horrible Men: Italy.

Tallest Population (Observed): Germany.

Countries Host to Most Yoel Doppelgangers: Italy! Hi, Sal!

Number of Syracuse Students Encountered (Approx): 20

Number of American Tourists Scorned: Legion.


yoel said...

Most Horrible Men: Italy.

Countries Host to Most Yoel Doppelgangers: Italy!

I'm going to try hard not to take this the wrong way.

cjb said...

He was from california, thus not an italian. All is well.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to write bears observed. I think this is more important.